Single Building Occupiers generally have less sophistication than companies who take a lot of real estate. They generally follow the customary search approach of market offered properties. They tends to be focused on market sale and lease prices.
After a few deals, Multi building occupiers begin to understand development and occupancy dynamics through the lens of capital deployments, global occupancy, and cost/profit controls. They see the entire process from initial land acquisition through capital market profits and want to glean as much from the entire process.
By simply moving the commitment forward to the Land Entitlement Stage, Occupiers can obtain large discounts in contrast to buildings on the market. This is sensitive to the economy. In good markets, moving the commitment forward is rewarding. In a poor market, acquiring from the bank will be advantageous.

Using Freight Flows as guide for investment decisions. Core nodes and most heavily trafficked corridors are shown on this GIS patterned map. Best locations tend to be where freight flows are greatest and you can serve a large metro areas at the same time. Key markets like Dallas, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Altanta, Chicago will serve locally and regionally.